"She said I was stupid for raising a grade and for lowering one."
May 24, 2004 - 8:02 PM

Well incase I didnt tell you, Jonathan is going to Aloha with me. Im so happy cuz well were going to go together! My friends are all like 'Wow thats so cool that hes going with you, Wow were finally going to meet him' and stuff like that.

I got in trouble for my grades. My mom saw my progress report and she got mad at me. She said I was stupid for raising a grade and for lowering one. I wanted to cry but I told myself not to. I also wanted to scream and to tell her that I was/am trying to raise my grades but the stupid faggot teachers dont appreciate. Seriously I hate school. Wish it would of burned down when the back of the school was on fire...

Imma have to go cuz I have to do homework for Cordero..the Unit is due tomorrow..I already finished half and I still need the the other half..


yesterday - tomorrow

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