I think everyone knows im on my period
March 03, 2004 - 6:16 PM

Well today I went to school cuz I had to go but if I would of chosen I would of chosen not to go but I had to..I kept thinking that everyone knew that I was on my period *sniffles* but it was just my imagination..I hate my period I cant do stuff when im on it I can just walk..grr..Well today I walked wif my friend M******* and she told me why she had been sad and stuff and whoa its a long story..I cant tell it cuz well truly its no ones business so ill just leave it like that..Curious.. BIG STORY!! I mean its WHOA! lol.*sighs* Stupid Cordero gave me an F on my assignment! I got so mad I just wanted to throw my papers at him and say WHY THE HELL DID I GET AN F IF I WORKED MY BEHIND OFF DOING THIS!! It seems like I cant do nothing right no more Im so mad! I need to get those grades up at least for the 10 Week Grade Report Card..the 5 Week ones are out already mine can be home anytime now. My mom is going to get mad at me when she sees them..I havent eaten good these last days..like on Monday I just ate Breakfast and for dinner I had Beef Bowl..then Yesterday I just ate Pancakes and I sandwich and today I ate Breakfast and Pizza and then Chicken soup..ok so maybe today I ate ok but still IM NOT THAT HUNGRY!!! I feel sick *blah!* I do! I feel like everything is gross..Anyways imma go cuz I have to do homework.

yesterday - tomorrow

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