Mixed Salad
January 21, 2007 - 12:38 AM

Not a lot has happened since the last time I wrote here. Except personal (in my head) arguments I've had with myself. Like everything is going fine and then in comes a memory from the past and just ruins everything. I was bored yesterday and was just lying on my bed and I began remembering those long days I'd do that back in October crying and hating him with all my heart. It made me feel sad and the thought that it could happen again crossed my mind. I don't know. It's weird. I turned to my side and stared at my wall and just began thinking about the fact that I need to change or else I'll end up killing the relationship.

Jeanette says I'm getting too close to Faggotasssucker and that I should be careful. I don't know... I like him and I don't want to stop being friends with him. But I don't like him like him, you know. I just like him as a friend... GAH It's all his fault for not speaking to me! Gkjlajfd;lasjgfoawjiegaojdsfas I wouldn't be feeling things... ld;asjgfoasjdlfasdfa

Can you believe I downloaded some High School Musical songs? HAHA Yeah... Grr. Can you believe I'll be going to a concert with both of them?? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. I love him. =]

I'm feeling a lot better. I want to cry though. Yeah, crying seems to do me well. It always does. I'm a big crybaby. Why? Why am I weak that I cry? I don't want to cry anymore. It's like GAH! It infuriates me. This is like a mixed entry... I don't understand it either.

I think I'll just go.

- fairtyears

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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