February 10, 2004 - 2:48 PM

Listening to: Eminem-Hailies Song

Today was a short day at school. It was kinda ok I got to talk to Maricela she told me that if I didnt have anyone to go wif or my friends didnt tell me about going to Winterball wif them that I could go wif her and her friends I was like thats cool..So for winterball I have to ask my mom for permission so that I can go..And also for JDD I gotta look for the dress its gonna be Black or Dark Blue. Im still not talking to my sister were in not talking terms right now and its cool I mean im not going to die if I dont talk to her, my mom like punished her FINALLY! but I dont know for what sometimes I feel bad cuz well cuz im like 16 and look at me arguing wif a 11 year old..Pathetic..Yeah I know but imma stop..Imma grow up FOREALS I AM I have to get mature (right me mature!) lol anyways my mom got rid of AOL CALL ALERT good and she installed the Virus scan shit cuz poeople are telling her to do so..imma tell people to tell her to install Cable/Dsl or broadband so that she does it lol..I spilled mineral water over me during nutrition it looked like sumone had sat on my lap and peed on me lol and my boobs were all wet was funny me and Gloria kept cracking up yeah..Well imma go now cuz imma explore the web See you


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