My Classes
February 05, 2004 - 5:49 PM

Listening to: Vanessa Carlton-Ordinary Day

Well today was an ok day not much FUN happened..I was disappointed cuz I dont have Mr. Kronish no more so yeah. During lunch I went to drop off the Huckleberry Finn book and he asked me if I had abondoned them and well that made me sad cuz well my 5th period class misses me! aww! and well I explained to him how there was no Algebra class for 4th so he understood and then hes like well alright and then I told him that I would visit him and hes like thats cool. Well play production was cool. I did yoga for the first time lol it was kinda fun although my back was hurting and like my ass wasnt helping at all cuz well my ass wouldnt let my back touch the So I was like all uncomfortable hopefully tomorrow goes a lot better. We did a lot of good stretching and I stretched a lot of my muscles it FELT SOOO GOOD! yep then we saw a movie lol. I dont like my 5th period..Algebra 2B its filled wif immature kids...Grrr I fucking hate them! and well then theres my 4th period which I sit wif 3 guys 2 of them are really immature and well the other one doesnt talk that much he just sits there laughing at the other two assholes but yeah..They kept making me laugh..geeze its so easy to make me laugh..I laugh at stupid stuff like one of the guys that sit in my group drew a girl wif her legs really wide open so you could see her cookie (lol) and well then he was passing it around to show his other stupid guy friends and the teacher got it and she saw it and her eyes were like OMG they were cracking up and so was was soo funny but yeah..if I keep up imma get in trouble so yeah..Well ive thought about the second chance thing im not going to see the person everyday or even talk to him so its cool if I dont give him a second chance I mean I could just leave it how it is you know? So yeah I mean ive given him a lot I mean a lot of second chances so then I shouldnt have to give him number 1000000 chance so yeah..but deep down I feel bad but im just going to ignore that cuz yeah feelings like that lead me to suffering so imma stop. I should become mean to people but I cant its so hard to be mean to people. I get mad at them but I cant tell them nothing its like they cant do nothing wrong but like when im mad I hardly talk and I give attitude so thats like a little sign of me being mad...Well I have to go cuz IMMA FINALLY DO MY ALGEBRA2B HOMEWORK WHICH IS TO READ AND DO 20 PROBLEMS!! lol. Write in you tomorrow


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