What waking up late does to you
February 02, 2004 - 4:21 PM

Listening to: Linkin Park

There was no school today! Im glad that I got to rest and FINALLY SLEEP!! I feel soooo good! I slept all day today...I mean All day! I barely woke up at 3 lol I know its late but I rested so much like yesterdasy and the day before I had dark circles around my eyes I looked DEAD foreasl foreals and well today I look bootyful again *smiles angelic smile* <~~lol and I took a shower and well I feel fresh I even danced Kylies song the "Cant get you out of my head" song I was like yeah all happy lol..No more nightmares..(I hope! *Shivers*)Tomorrow is back to school and a new class...6th Period..Play Production..Im kinda nervous dont know why but yeah...The only thing that ruins my life right now is (nitemares) and the fact that im sick!..grr..I dont want to be sick no more! I hate being sick I wanna dance half naked outside! lol j/k I dont do that..yeah..Im going to go to sleep at 9 today..(imma try so hard! lol) Imma pray to god to let me sleep today cuz I wanna be prettyful for tomorrow lol..My cousin Andres and his family are moving back to Brownsville...AWW! I wish I could go back...(Half of me) everyone is going back there again..my daddys family is going to be reunited and all happy while im over here all sad (sometimes) but hey I might for spring break. I wanna go to the Island wif Mary lol so we can PARTY lol GIRLS GONE WILD!!! hahahahaha funny shit!...ok just thinking bout it makes me crack up..Did I tell you that Mary and Jp got back together? Well yeah they did (Incase I didnt tell you) and she sounds so happy! MY MOMS CELLY GOT CONNECTED AGAIN!! YAY! Imma call mary now lol not now cuz my mom is talking wif my aunt right now so yeah..but like going back to Mary she sounds happy now that shes back wif Jp. I kinda feel left out here (sometimes) but hey its ok I still luv ALL of my friends NEW AND OLD � *muah!* Guess what everyone is saying my behind is too big..*laughs* They make fun of me and they also say my boobs are big..Just like my friends lol Im like STOP! LEAVE MY BOOBS AND BUTT alone! lol I like em like that..*wink*..lol its Grabbing territory...hahahahahaha ok imma calm down..Well I think im going to stop writing cuz im getting wild....not really I just dont wanna write I wanna go visit websites and stuff so yeah...Write in you tomorrow or whenver. Bye Luv ya

Sarahi ~Isabella~ Molina *Sighs*..Isabella so prettyful! lol yeah...bye

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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