School is Hard
November 20, 2003 - 4:01 PM

Dear Diary,

Today my day was Ok...yeah except my 4th period I DONT UNDERSTAND!!! Its Algebra 2B I hate it I try to do my work but I dont understand I dont know how to work them out there too damn hard!! Last year they were really easy and I had a 98 Can you believe it a 98!! now I have like a 50 :( aww man im such a failure...and then theres chemistry..Grr I HATE CHEM!! I dont understand it either...I should be in retard school...Yep I should...US History is kinda ok I just need to do extra credit in order to pass but the extra credit is going to disneyland, knotts, zoo, san diego and these other places....there goes another class...French im passing it with a breeze I have an A! and well homeroom I just sleep cuz its homeroom you dont do nothing there..and American Literature I discuss things so the teacher gives me extra points for speaking my mind and in PE well im a good sport I run and stuff but lately I havent cuz I dont feel good and also cuz im starting to get dizzy real bad I wanna go to the doctors so that they can check me up and tell me that I dont have anything wrong with me...Well today randy worked with me in Chem hes really smart but he kept making laugh when he would call douglas hed be DOUGLAS LOOK AT ME!! in an arabian accent it was sooo funny. Mike Smiled at me..he looks like a Cholo and he is very clean he likes Carlin cuz in 5th period he always checks her out and when she hugs him he hugs her back and grabs her ass lol..but hes usually serious or busy looking at cars and today he kept saying my name in funny ways like sarya, sarji, sarara, sharari, sahari and he smiled at me and hes like your name is cool SARAHI and he said it nice too..Melissa (this senior girl) likes Jonathan Ibarra she told me today I guess she thought that I liked him and I told her no that I had my boyfriend and that I was really into him and she smiled She got happy that I dont like Jonathan Ibarra...he is cute and she deserves him but hes too STOOPID! lol now you know what he asks me he doesnt ask me if ive fucked yet now hes like "Are you and your boyfriend fighting?" im like no i dont think so and hes like becareful and then he flirts with melissa..Well today I kicked it with Marlin in 6th not that much with Gloria or Caroline or Elena cuz well Marlin was telling me stuff and they were busy checking out the football players on the bleachers he he Oh and we got in an argument with these FAT chinas cuz Mr. Zuber made us play against these chinas and well they couldnt serve the ball right Elena yelled at the fattest one and the china got mad and she started to talk to us in chinese or whatever and we got pissed off and were like OH SHUT UP! AND SERVE! and well then we all kinda started yelling at them ,Gloria, Caroline and Elena were arguing with them it was funny but at the same time annoying cuz well i wanted to play volleyball and they couldnt hit it! I talked with Jonathan yesterday I was so happy cuz I heard his voice! I hadnt heard it in a long time...he hardly calls now cuz we talk online im kinda happy and kinda not cuz well im happy cuz he saves money cuz he dont call here long distance and im kinda sad cuz I dont hear his voice no more..o well Today I went to school really really sleepy I slept through Homeroom ALL OF IT! and when the bell rang I couldnt get up cuz I was soooo sleepy and I was like half asleep and half awake and I was going down the stairs and well my friend woke me up when she kinda pushed me on purpose and is like "wake up sleepyhead!" im like "Im awake dont kill me" and we just laughed Ive been really really tired lately but as I said sumwhere up there im going to tell my mom to take me to the doctors IM PREGNANT!!!!!! lol no im still a virgin he he..just wanted to make sure that you werent sleeping on me... again today im not feeling good my head hurts KILLER bad and im like in pain and im sleepy and my left ear hurts and I feel hot...See what I mean? I was ok during school and yesterdasy and well today right now my head is im going to go and sleep or go take another pill for my headache cuz the one I took aint working ok?? ouwies my head hoits really bad *Tear* I NEED A HUG AND SO MUCH MORE!! but to bad no one will ever know I need that ill just give myself a hug *hugs* Kissy wissy woo ha ha wtf?? ok im desperate I havent been hugged or kissed in a long ass time :( *Tear* I miss him lots im gonna cry cuz I love him and he cant be with me ouwies now it hurts me to breath :( why do I have to be so delicate!! well kinda every little thing makes me cry and now im sick again and again I bet no one cares well I know my mom dont cuz shes like mad at me :( and my medium sister is mean she yelled at me cuz I didnt have paper I was like WTF?? and my little sister well she dont like me she prefers marina and well my daddy.. oh my daddy if he really really loved his daughters as he says he does I wouldnt be here id be over there but since his love for a woman is so big and he doesnt want to loose her he chose her over his daughters I guess he thought *My daughters will be there for me forever and well this woman might not* Yep but I dont blame my daddy I still love him with all my heart *tear* and it saddens me that he chose the bitch over me I guess im just not that *Important* but hey! Life goes on and ill get married and have my kids and ill love them LOTS! and I wont make them suffer like me and ill love my husband LOTS too and we will never ever get a divorce cuz me and him are going to love each other and no problem will ever take that away like my parents did...Well im gonna go ok? Until my fingers meet the keyboard again SEE YA!

Sarahi Molina

yesterday - tomorrow

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