Fucking Pain wont let me write
November 06, 2003 - 5:07 PM

Dear Diary,

Whats up? Me not a whole just here. AHH! Im cramping!!! IT FUCKING HURTS!!! I took a pill and it aint working GRR I HATE IT!!! IT FUCKING HURTS I WANT SUMTHING TO STOP THE PAIN NOW!!!! it fucking hurts im gonna cry foreals the pain is sooooo strong! well I dont think that im going to be on later I want to but this stupid pain omg Its driving me crazy foreals it fucking hurts. My period started this morning and all day during school I had to live throught PAINFUL cramps cuz I didnt take my pill...and I got home and I went to sleep and when I woke up the pain was so fucking strong omg I hate the first 2 days there so FUCKING PAINFUL!! omg I HATE PERIODS I HAATE CRAMPS!! THERE SO FUCKING PAINFUL OMG IM DYING I WANNA DIE!!! FUCKMAN OMG well im gonna have to write with pain AAHHH FUCKING PILLS NEVER WORK!!!Its SO COLD!! FUCK EVERYTHING!! lol im sorry it HURTS!!! my right leg hurts OMG DIARY IT HURTS!!!! IM so PALE!! and omg im gonnna get a fever and I WANNA DIE!! IM gonna go cuz this fucking pain wont go away bye diary..no hold on ok lol the pain anyways lets not let it defeat me but it hurts this is what happens to me when I get my period it sucks bad cuz one time I couldnt get up and I was crying and screaming and I was WHITE and I had a fever and if I moved it hurt they had to put something hot on my lower tummy but it wouldnt work..then my mom called my grandma and she brought these pills there like 800 Mg she gave me one and a few mins the pain was gone and I was all high...it was funny cuz i was like *OOH! look at that!* I took one of them pills like 5 mins before I got online and it AINT WORKING!!!!! it still hurts bad! my little sister started her period yesterday little bitch dont get cramp pains!! GRRR!!! lucky bastard AHHHH FUCKING PAIN!!! omg I cant take it no more but I have to finish writing maybe by the time im done with writing the pain will go away hopefully.No it wont let me aahh fuck it im just gonna go and stick sumthing hot in my pants BURN ME BITCH AAAH OHH BURN ME AHH FASTER FASTER AHH AHH AHH lol FUCK PERIODS AND THEIR FUCKING CRAMPS!!!! If I get on later im gonna write more ok?? Bye

yesterday - tomorrow

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