I wanna be a perfect daughter
April 26, 2004 - 9:00 PM

Well I havent been here for 2 days. Isnt that good? lol. Im addicted to the internet. Seriously. I need a life...

I was going to write an entry on Saturday cuz I was really pissed that day. Well my mom was behind me and I hadnt noticed that she was reading what I was typing. I was typing about George and stuff and she got pissed off and she just disconnected the computer and is like "WHY DO YOU WRITE ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!? I HAD HEARD THAT YOU HAD A DIRTY MOUTH BUT I DIDNT BELIEVE THEM NOW I DO HOW CAN YOU BE SO UNRESPECTFUL TO HIM!?" and well WWIII started right there. I got kinda grounded and got forbidden to use the computer and phone. Then Jonathan called and my mom is all telling him stuff and stuff. She said I couldnt talk to him no more but then she handed me the phone for me to talk for the last time with him. He was telling me stuff like not to cry and to to not talk back to my mom and stuff. He helped a lot. Then we hung up and well after that me and my mom cooled off and talked and well then it was cool between us.

Im such a BITCH. Seriously. I need to listen to my mom and be a good daughter. I know ive said/typed this before but im hoping that I do become a better daughter. I dont like arguing with my mom. I love her so much. Im not the daughter my mom hoped for but I wish I was really nice and awesome like other daughters are wif there moms. I seriously need to change and BAD. I pray that I do change. I mean I used to have a mean ol attitude when I was small (12-14) with some of my family and well now that im older ive changed and ive become cool with them. They have even told me that I have changed and that im not a bitch with them no more. They love me now. Lol. Now I have to do the same with my mom.

During 9th grade it was the same between me and my mom. We would just argue everyday and they would reach to the point were she had to slap me cuz I wouldnt shut up. Then I calmed down and we got along great through until now. What is wrong? Before was because I blamed my mom for leaving my dad but then I understood that that wasnt true so yeah. Now I dont know whats the reason I guess its just a phase? I dont know but I want it to end cuz I love my mom and I dont want to hurt her feelings and I dont want mine to be getting hurt.

School is boring. There is no fun. Well only a little bit but I have to go cuz im supposed to be offline right now so yeah.

This one poem thingy is off of sum guys journal. I know this guy. (Well he only talks to me when he needs stuff) I read his journal Lol yeah its not in Diaryland so thats good its sumwhere else but I wont say cuz well I dont want people to know. Ill call him Philipino. Lol. Yeah he is one. Elena knows who he is. But yeah I liked what he wrote. I guess he wrote it to a girl he likes or sumthing. Here it is:

ive seen many girlz but all i did was stare.to me no one can ever compare.i want you to know i will always be there.whenever u need someone to care.but if u only knew.anything i would do.if it meant me being a step closer to being with you.i respect your decicions but as for now im continually missing you..

you said u needed time..so thats exactly what im doing.i dont know about whats going to happen..but im not going to give up.i know ur wayy worth the wait.all i gotta do is have faith.well as for now im willing to do whatever that needs to be done.i want everything to work out for you.and may the best things happen.but im here thru thick and thin.no matter wut me and you were a team.and for what its worth..you mean something to me.. NO RUSH..NO PRESSURE

i just hope u can see that... - *Philipino

* = Not real name

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