I guess today was ok
April 21, 2004 - 4:32 PM

School today wasnt that exciting but it was ok. I missed 1st period cuz my mom couldnt start this one van that my dad used to have and well she had to get it started so that she can move it or else she was going to get a ticket. So she goes to that van (red one) and then she tells me that I have to move our van (blue one). Guess what!? I drove! yay! lol yeah. I was kinda scared cuz I had to go on this one street that is kinda busy. But I drove ok. *smiles* I want to drive again its fun (^.^) <~Dork!

I get to school right before homeroom starts and this one fucking bitch is like "I will count this as a truancy because I just dont believe that you had car trouble today in the morning." How can she not believe me my mom wrote the note and she signed it bitch! She pissed me off and I wanted to tell her sumthing. Luckily I stayed quiet or else I would of gotten detention..but who cares cuz im still going to get detention for that 'fake' truancy...fucking cunt...

During 5th period *Belinda brought gatorade and she had mixed it with beer. Lol she was drunk and then shes like "Yo sharing is caring.." and then shes all passing the bottle of gatorade around and well im like no I shouldnt. When the bottle gets to me my facial expression is a "No" but like I look at *Belinda and shes like "Come on" I couldnt say no so I raise the bottle to my mouth to drink and omg the smell was so freaking strong I drank and it tasted just like beer except the color was red. Lol. Then I give the bottle back to her and she drinks it all up. My head was mean hurting I guess it was cuz of the beer or sumthing I dont know but it was killing me afterwards. I also kept smelling beer I guess because the smell was so freaking strong it got stuck in my nose lol. It was funny cuz she was drunk.

*Belinda used to talk to *Julio this one guy and well now there not talking (I think) So he starts to write me notes and stuff and shes all looking at me and im like "Im not getting with him" and well *Julio was just wondering if I could hook him up with my friend Gloria. I told him he had a chance but really I dont know lol. I mean he is kinda cute and stuff but like I dont know how Gloria likes her men hehehe..I lent him my cd player and he was really happy. Like a few nites ago I had a dream and he was in it..it was a weird dream but who cares..

Im bored..my head hurts and I feel stuffed. I need to take the pills that the doctor gave me for my headaches..Well I think that these last entries ive written a lot so ill kinda stop...I wrote this during 5th (after the beer thing) cuz I was bored. Its not all that good but who cares..

* = Not real name

~*~ My tears fell on the rose I held as I stared him and her holding hands. I walked on without lifting my head up to look at him. As I walked by them I could smell his wonderful cologne. That made me feel worse and more tears began to stream down my cheeks. I stopped and stared at the rose. My tears had made it become a passionate red. I looked back at them and I saw she was crying. I didnt see him with her, instead I saw him walking towards me. I quickly turned around and began to walk away from him. I could feel my heart beating fast. After I crossed the street I looked back and I saw him give her a rose. I looked at my hands and noticed that I didnt have my rose. I had dropped it and he had walked towards me only to pick it up. Tears began to run down my cheek as I watched her holding him and the rose. Not only did she take him from me but she also took my rose.~*~

yesterday - tomorrow

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