Yay! I danced wif him!
April 04, 2004 - 2:22 PM

I loved yesterday! I spent half of the day wif him like till 12 or 1 in the morning..I think. We danced! yeah that was fun but like when we tried to slow dance I couldnt look at him. He kept telling me to look at him but when im dancing I have to be looking at the floor lol. Yep..so that I dont mess up. Omg sumfin funny happened yesterday..well a lot of funny stuff happened yesterday while dancing Jonathan was dancing wif my mom and well I went up to them and like im like Hey Jonathan im backing it up or sumthing like that and while going backwards my stupid shoe got like stuck or sumfin and I was going to fall backwards and yeah if it werent for my mom I would of fallen. That was funny/embarrasing. lol It was fun yesterday, but omg my feet hurt so bad I was so tired at the end of the party thing. REALLY TIRED

I loved yesterday. lol I already said that. Everyone was saying I looked really pretty. I straightened my hair and well I kinda thought I looked nice too. Jonathan told me that I looked really nice lol aww! I LOVE JONATHAN!!!

Well I have to go cuz were almost leaving to the OC hahahahha no not funny

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