Going to Orange
January 08, 2004 - 11:58 AM

Listening to: My sisters talking to each other and mom telling me to hurry up and get off.

Dear Diary.

Well today looks like its going to be a very boring day WERE GOING TO ORANGE WITH GEORGE...I dont want to go its going to be real boring...But I have to go..Ill be isolated from everyone cuz george forbade me to use the celly phone..Geeze why do I have to be so stupid Why cant I just control my attitude...But its not my fault you start me up you wont be able to shut me up..IM GETTING SICK AGAIN!! OMG Ive gotten sicke like 3 times in less than 2 months! I might get a fever later on today im starting to feel hot and well my head hurts and Im coughing and my lungs hurt...I guess im a worst case scenerio for the body lol if my shit confuses you im sorry. I guess im not going to talk to Jonathan again today *tear* I miss him a lot. But sum day we will be together..Well I wrote another entry last nite in the same one as yesterdasy so incase the peepol who read my diary you can go back and read *ANGER BUTTON* on the bottom cuz theres another entry..that is if peepol even read it..I guess sum peepol do read it THANK YOU FOR READING MY DIARY!! AND IF IT BORES YOU OR YOU THINK IM STUPID THANKS FOR THAT TOO � we should all be happy for whatever I dont even know why im saying this if half of the time im all depressed and sad..and looks like today is not going to be a happy day..I have to go cuz well I have to go and get in the shower to go to orange..I HATE SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY WITH GEORGE AND MY MOM...Wish it were someone else...Write in you later if I come back or Tomorrow kks??



yesterday - tomorrow

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