Old Crushes Srike Back
December 11, 2005 - 10:09 PM

Today was an uneventful day. I got up and took a shower before getting online and reading a bit. Mum said we were going to go out and I got dressed into something nicer. (I was wearing my pj's)

We went to George's house where I was very uncomfortable because I am being treated different. I don't know. We went to Costco and I decided to stay in the car and listen to my iPod. It died though and I fell asleep in the car. They came back with the groceries and we went home to eat chicken. I am stuffed and I don't want to talk about food so that's all I'm going to say about the chicken.

Abel called me around 8:30pm and I had to hang up because I didn't want to be rude. I told him to call me at 9pm my time but I guess he forgot. I miss talking to people. I don't know, I'm going to see him next week though, I think. We left around 9pm and we got home early. I decided to get on the computer and just kill time.

Tomorrow I have my final for Geology and I'm kind of scared but at the same time, I'm all, whatevers, you know? Yeah I use a lot of commas in the wrong place but whatevers, I guess. Tuesday will be my last day to attend PCC in the Fall Semester and I won't be returning until February. Yeah, man time is flying super fast!

I haven't talked to Jonathan and yeah. I'm used to not talking to him or him not calling me. I got used to it during the summer when he had a girlfriend.

I heard my mum talking about Jorge Luis and I got happy but sad. I thought he was engaged or something but he isn't! Thank God. They just say he shows off and thinks he's all that because he pays his rent. I wish I could go see him to say hi and tell him I'm still alive and we should keep in touch. I don't know what he'd say though, probably :Hey! What's up? Haven't seen you in so long. Sorry about your dad... so how are you? I'd probably end up crying after telling him all my life since 2002. I want to see him though, is that bad?

I guess I better be going now because I have to get up early and tomorrow is my final.

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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