I used to be an A's and B's student!
February 24, 2004 - 4:47 PM

Listening to: Ginuwine-Differences

What a sad/happy day today. My day started off all sad (like always) but by 6th period it got GOOD. Wanna know why? Well I went to the counselors to go ask him how many credit points I have, cuz I thought that I was low. The counselor tells me that I have 145 and in order to become a senior I need 170 he says that if I pass my classes imma have 175 so im in the right track. I got so happy! Cuz im doing good you know? but he did tell me that I have to take summer school in order to take geometry cuz I skipped it and I have to take Bio B during my senior year and this other class during my senior. Its ok just as long as I graduate you know? I also noticed that in Texas I only had A's and B's! and here I have one A three C's 1 D and 1 F..damn thats bad..but I was so happy cuz its not cuz im dumb its cuz the work is harder here! lol yeah..but I now that I know I can make it imma work my hardest in order to suceed. Then I got sad again cuz well now I have 2 F's cuz well I got a fail on Corderos assignment..geeze my mom is going to kill me FOR SURE! *sighs* Better start doing chores and a lot of stuff around the house so that my punishment isnt that big when my report card comes home in 2 or 3 weeks. Oh I almost forgot to tell you I gave up greasy pizza for a whole week today *tummy rumbles* I need to lose "sum" wait I wanna reach a goal that I have set myself (To Lose Weight!) Then ill probably cut down on the Hot Cheetos <~Thats going to be hard! and imma also cut down on Chocolate <~Going to be impossible cuz I love Choco!! but imma have to try! Well I mean Im not "OMG FAT FAT FAT" fat im just average..I asked this one guy his name is Morgan if I was fat and he wrote me this note "Umm...to me I think you look like yourself, well maybe short and younger than how old you are so no I dont think your fat.." lol and we laughed hes so nice and funny. Well ill just give up Pizza for this week. Ok so im not really really fat I just need to control what I eat and imma take a break from pizza for a week..BUT NOT CHOCOLATE I already made up my mind lol im keeping Chocolate and Hot Cheetos..Yep..Well imma go cuz I have to do homework.


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