Same shit as last year
January 04, 2004 - 11:33 AM

Listening to: Linkin Park-Dont Stay

Dear Diary,

Hey HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Sorry im late for this but I havent been home since the 31st. I slept over in Orange it was kinda boring cuz I didnt see Jonathan and I kinda didnt talk to him that much. I saw him on the 31st and he gave me a Build a bear its so cute!! I love it. He came to my g-mas house. Wish I could go to his house. I went to see Lord of The Rings: Return of The King it was sooo Good! foreals it was. I loved it just like I loved the other 2. Hopefully I buy them on DVD so that I dont get bored staying home alone. My mom wont be working for a LOOOOONG while cuz Avon dont want anyone working for them rite now. It sucks cuz now its going to be harder to get the stuff that I want cuz the money will be tight and my dad is working to send us money but I dont know if hell send money Can you believe it the 2004 already begun..damn time does fly fast well sumtimes slow. I wont go back to school until the 12th YAY! but BOO at the same time cuz its really boring at my house... and I wanna go cuz of my friends sumtimes I Wish I could go to a diff school I WANNA GO TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL!!!but sometimes a confusing person.. My eye hurts a lot its been hurting since the 31st of Dec 2003 I told my mom and George and they just give me pills I told them I wanted to go to the doctors and there like PILLS PILLS PILLS!!! Yesterdasy they had me all drugged up on just pills foreals they did. I was sleeping everwhere I went and when I arrived home last night I called Jonathan and I talked to much...FOREALS I TALKED TO MUCH I WANTED TO SHUT UP BUT I DIDNT...I think I bore Jonathan to death..he says I didnt but next time im not going to talk that much. I miss Jonathan a lot I wanna see him but I cant *tear*. MY MOM IS SO ANNOYING!! Im telling her that my head hurts and shes like GET OFF THE COMPUTER!! ITS THE FUCKING COMPUTER GET OFF!! geeze my mom looks nice but shes mean when she gets on my case. Im kinda a victim cuz well I get in trouble a lot, I get yelled at, I get punished cuz well its *supposedly* (sp) my "ATTITUDE" I dont like to get yelled at and sum other stuff I mean if your not my mom WE GET A LONG PERFECTLY cuz my mom shes like a fuel to my "ATTITUDE" She likes to start me up so that she can punish me and me so stupid I do and thats when I fall. I should just bequiet and imma try to start now...Well I have to go cuz Little miss I wanna use the comp now get off is telling me to get off...Imma try to write daily again ok?? OH YEAH IM 10 YEARS OLD My mom calls me that..and im treated like on too..WRITE IN YOU TOMORROW



yesterday - tomorrow

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