December 18, 2003 - 5:07 PM

Listening to: Lil Jon Ft. Ying Yang Twins-Get Low

Dear Diary,

Hey whats happening? Me just here TOMORROW IS FRIDASY!!! WOOHOO! Well I took my friends gifts to school today it was cool. They liked them I got a silver bracelet by Karem. I really liked it. Jonathan Ibarra got a teddy bear! HOW CUTE! lol A whole bunch of people got balloons and shit tomorrow theres probably going to be a lot more presents and stuff. I shouldnt get Illusions of me getting a lot of gifts so im not al though I wish I could get the two lord of the rings movie and the armageddon one and well just all the stuff in my list lol yeah..anyways my mom might buy me a Ralph Lauren perfume yay! imma smell sexy! Talking about sexy Tomorrow is the big SEXIFIED day lol yeah I cant wait im finally going to be nice! ha ha...Jonathan wrote this really pretty poem it made me cry..*sniff sniff* yep it was so pretty....shoot I have to go cuz imma get off and never get online again...well maybe tomorrow to tell you how my day was ok?? HAPPY THURSDASY!!


yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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