Rather walk in the park
January 25, 2004 - 12:02 PM

Listening to: Eminem-Hailies Song

Well the reason im writing early today is well cuz I might not be home today.. :( my mom wants me to go wif her to Orange George is pucking US up...I DONT WANT TO GO ID RATHER GO WALK TO THE PARK! THAN GO TO ORANGE!!..Yeah. lol Darn it im getting told to hurry up...I woke up late I mean real late lol I went to sleep like around 3:00am yep and then when I woke up my eyes felt so heavy! and I was dizzzy lol its so funny...Yeah Well I gtg cuz my mom is telling me to get offf..ill write more tomorrow or when I come back ok? Bye

~*~Shalay~*~ *@~>~

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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