My day yesterdasy / Things that piss me off
January 19, 2004 - 8:55 AM

Listening to: Shaggy-Angel <~My favorite favorite song! Always and Forever

Dear Diary,

Hello I hope your morning is going much more better than mine..Yesterdasy was a pain in the ASS!! and kinda weird too well we left right after I finished writing my entry which was at 1:18pm nevermind im lying we didnt leave right after we left like around 2 and well the traffic was heavy and I just listened to LP and we got in Anaheim/I dunno wat city lol around 3:30pm I think dunno so we got there and I remember we got there and we went in and well I sat in the couch and well since the car I had been staring for lots of periods of time at nothing ya know? id doze off so when I sat on the couch I just stared at the floor and well I was thinking a lot of stuff and then I looked at the clock and it was 4:30 and I went back to staring at the floor and then I went to sleep (WEIRD!! I NEVER NEVER SLEEP DURING THE DAY UNLESS IMMA DIE! LOL j/k) and when I woke up my mom, george and my sisters were gone and it was 6:00! I was like damn and then I went back to sleep...then I woke up again like around 7:00 and well then I got up and I felt weird..but in a good way..and I ate and then my mom, george and my sisters arrived and well then we left to his brothers house and we watched Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp is so hot and so is Orlando Bloom *smiles angelic smile* hehe then they asked us if we wanted to stay over watching Freaky Friday well I didnt want to stay! I hate Orange now..I dont hate it..I just dont like going there..BORING! I told my mom that I wanted to go home and so we left around 12:00am and then we came home..That was my boring day!!! fun isnt it?? Well today I dont know what were going to do..I BET WERE JUST GOING TO DIE LIKE WE DO EVERYDAY!!! I have a lot of stuff that pisses me off and well now that I have a lil time Ill write them here *STUFF THAT PISSES SARAHI OFF*

~Having 2 annoying sisters

~Not being able to be FREE

~Being 16

~Having my know one thing ive noticed is well I started my period at age 13 turning to 14 and well before I got my period my parents didnt care about me YAY! theyd let me go places and go out wif my friends and stuff but after I got my period its like im a piece of glass and im going to break if I go out and have fun I HATE MY PERIOD! I think all girls do lol

~Pisses me off at the fact that I cant have fun wif people my own age.

~Pisses me off at the fact that im living with my aunt and her "Friend"..

~Pisses me off at the fact that I die of boredom everyday...

~Pisses me off that school cant end at 12:20 everyday <~~lol I luv my friends but well actually screw that one lol let school as is lol

~Pisses me off that I wanna have good grades and although I try my hardest to be good I just cant..

~Pisses me off that I dont go out wif my boyfriend..

and a lot more stuff pisses me off but imma The people that know me probably ask or sumfin *How can Sarahi hold so much rage/anger (same shit lol)/sadness/depression (same) in her or whatever* IVE HAD A BAD LIFE AFTER 13/14 PEOPLE!! I HATE MY LIFE WISH I COULD OF DONE A LOT OF STUFF BUT ANYWAYS LIFE GOES ON..I just cant go on I do but im taking wif me my past problems and all that anger against A LOT (LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS) of people..they just dont know it! and never will...*glares* sumday ALL the people that did sumfin to me will pay..but I wont be the one doing all the charging nope but theyll pay..but well im glad im kinda happy and well its cuz I have Jonathan and my friends yep they are the only ones that make me happy im only happy (sumtimes lol) when im wif them SO SMILE YOU GUYS!! DONT BE SAD/ANGRY I Love you! and I LOVE YOU JONATHAN!!! Take care and IM LEAVING FOREVER YAY!! if yall dont see me again BYE!!!!

Shalay *wink* *kiss* *kiss* lol

yesterday - tomorrow

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