Old Poems
January 05, 2004 - 5:03 PM

Listening to: Fabolous ft Tamia-Into You

Dear Diary,

Today is a boring day...I CLEANED THE HOUSE!!!! ALL BY MESELF!!!! Can you believe it! Lazy me cleaned the house!! yay (^.^) im so happy!! Actually im kinda tired..I washed the dishes, I picked up my stupid sisters stuff, I passed the vaccuum, I made all of the beds!,I dusted, and I cleaned up other stuff...I just hope that when my mom comes home shes happy with me! if shes not then ill get mad or dissappointed cuz well I did my best and she dont appreciate...I found this old Picture Cd that we got when I used to live in TX and I popped it into the computer and these old pictures of me and my mom and sisters came up and omg I look the same lol the only thing thats kinda changed is that well my boobs got a lil bigger and i cut my hair and my skin got lighter but anything else than that im the same...Wish I could of gotten sexier...ha ha ha..*SO INTO YOU!! BABY!!!!* lol Love that song!! Can you believe that my sisters (MEDIUM SISTER *MARINA*) pants fit me! They gave her sum pants and they dont fit her but they fit me..haha i was like damn marina whats wrong?? I like them pants there really pretty..While I cleaned up I found an old notebook of mine where I used to write "Poems" when I was depressed and when I found it I was like *WOW I HAVENT SEEN THIS IN A LONG ASS TIME!!* and i read them and they brought tears to my eyes..(I already told you im a crybaby..)then I laughed cuz of how stupid I was..there not all good but o well lol here ill write sum of them...

*Sadness drapes over my world the shades have been drawn. When sunshine finally blooms in my life it will be too late for I shall never be able to see the spring of love in which I can not hold, for I am in the same condition as a wilting rose dying slowly everyday for spring has set.*

*My life is blooming to a new start. Be there with me.*

*He is the one that will forever be in me and if he would ever brake my heart I would die slowly each day, for since he is in me and we are no longer together than I wouldnt live right.*

*Black roses wake up when the white ones sleep. Hate enters when love leaves. Death comes when life goes. Evil laughs when good cries. He smiles while I try to heal the heart that he broke...Mine.*

*I am a crystal teared Angel because everyday tears run down my cheek and since there is no one to brush them away they crystalize thus making me a crystal teared Angel.*

*Theres no sense in crying for him if he doesnt even notice you. So why waste your tears on him. Dont even shed one.*

*He might mean everything to you but you might mean nothing to him.*

*When you like someone a lot you would do anything for them but when you do everything for them they do nothing for you. So think before you tell that person "I would do anything for you."*

*Im going to let the person I like go and if he comes back to me we were meant to be, but if he decides to leave I will suffer but we werent meant to be.*

*Im so glad that my feelings for him have faded. I am finally free to have my feelings once again to myself and im happy because they shall not hurt no more.*

I wrote those when I was in 10th grade. Last Year. I was all sad and depressed. I was so stupid I shouldnt of been stupid. If you didnt understand them its cool I mean there not professional poems but to me there really nice and stuff and I can remember stuff and stuff lol but now im really happy cuz im with sumone really special..can you believe that I havent written a depressing poem since ive been here in California..Im proud of myself for that lol I hope I dont have to write one in a long while! Well I have to go but ill write in you tomorrow ok?



yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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