June 25, 2003 - 1:15 a.m.

Hello my name is Sarahi Molina my nicknames are Em-Shade and Bluey. I am 15 years old.I have 2 sisters Marina Molina and Gabriela Molina and 1 half brother Roberto Adolfo Molina.My parents split like 2 years ago so last year and up to last month of this year i lived with my dad....then i came to california to live with my mom...my father is angry at me and i may never again see my baby brother for the rest of my life...I sometimes hate my life and wish that i would live like i do in my dreams but of course dreams are not reality.Anyways...going to my love life...i got my first kiss this year...i know what your thinking...poor chick but really i dont care...his name was Jose Mario Aguilar (hes really cute) and we kissed right outside the auditorium it was really a special moment for me because never in my life had I ever been kinda liked by a guy and he thought that I had a nice ass so that made me feel happy and confident that I wasnt ugly..well here in california ive met Jonathan hes a really nice guy hes cute too and he has a great sense of personality..hes great to be around with..I really enjoy being with him. Well Today was not a good day I got all emotional cuz I remembered the guy that I used to like...and it tore me cuz he hurt me a lot he made me think that I am ugly..now im afraid to dress pretty cuz im afraid that someone might come up and say "Whose the hippo?" Omg My life sucks so bad....I wish that I could find a guy that would care for me and like me for who I am and not for what I look like...but that guy although called me fat a few times he did kinda ruin my self esteem but I know that im beautiful..well I think..omg no im not im probably the most hideous person alive in the world. IM fat and ugly thats why ive never had a boyfriend, It sucks!!! I wish to have a boyfriend...or atleast french kiss and feel the love that is felt between Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher in the movie Just Married. Well Diary I have to go but ill write in you tomorrow ok?? Well have a nice night.

Sincerely fatso,


yesterday - tomorrow

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