It says im in the 12th grade
June 30, 2004 - 8:50 PM

Today I got my summer school schedule/paper thingy. I have Geometry for both periods. Whichs sucks. But o well cuz I need that stupid class in order to graduate. And guess what!? The schedule/paper thingy says im in the 12th grade!

OMG! Im in the 12th grade! Woohoo for me! Yeah im so happy!

But I still havent gotten my report card..which makes me mad cuz I want to see it really bad. I want to know if I passed my chem final or not.

My baby asked my mom about Sunday and she said maybe. Yay she said that word! Then she told him that theyd talk more on friday. Hopefully she says yes and I will go with him to the movies.

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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