Back to School
January 12, 2004 - 10:13 PM

Listening to: Linkin Park-Numb

Dear Diary,

Today was the first day of school again it was cool I saw Carol and Gloria and Carlin and my other friends it was cool. Back to work grr lol and the worst part of it is that I have horrible grades and my mom already told me that she wants me to raise them or else im going to get punished. I wish I could be smart so that I can pass all my classes and my parents would be proud of me. There proud of my sister Marina cuz she has good grades and she always gets her teachers to comment on her on how good she is and stuff but who cares. Gloria brought the pictures that she took on friday 19 2003 and I CAME OUT PRETTY!!! OMG SO PRETTY I LIKE MYSELF NOW lol Im going to be all conceited joking! I just like how I look in those pictures ya know!? Very rare for me to say that I look good in pictures lol..most of the time I come out horrible so thats why...*Mujer nina mi nina mujer!!!* that song is soo pretty I like to dance it! lol I LOVE TO DANCE!! I dance at my house when im alone I do all these dances and I think I look good *smiles angelic smile* lol I talked with Jonathan today online I gots so happy! Im always happy when I talk/think/see/am with him he is perfect he is my everything. He makes me so happy. I hope he feels the same � When I know im going to see him I get all happy and I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts to beat fast and its hard for me breath foreals I get nervous and yeah lol Daniel is so retarded foreals he freaks me out he said that he is going to steal me away from my boyfriend and that he is going to take me to paris...WTF!?!?!?!? lol you need help sweetie although he is nice but hes freaky and strange 99% of the time lol IM A FOXYLICIOUS MAMI!! hahaha I wanted to say that *coughsexycough* yeah well its getting late and I have to go to sleep GOOD NITE and BYE Write in you tomorrow


yesterday - tomorrow

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